Driving Change: Dana Safety Supply’s Rapid Response to Equip City’s Police Fleet

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In a swift response to a major urban police department’s vehicle crisis, Dana Safety Supply secured a contract to quickly outfit hundreds of police vehicles.

GREENSBORO, NC, USA, January 18, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ -- A Truly Responsive Distributor: Dana Safety Supply

"Having been in this industry for over 30 years, I don’t know of many companies capable of moving that fast, all while maintaining a great delivery schedule in the process.”David Russo, CEO, Dana Safety Supply

A large metropolitan law enforcement agency had an issue. They had ordered hundreds of brand new police-rated vehicles to update their aging fleet of 1400+ police vehicles. The problem? The glossy white vehicles arrive without the lights, sirens, equipment consoles, or anything else that changes a “normal car” into a “police car.”

Considering the age of the department’s fleet and the current shortage of police vehicles, the department needed to find a supplier capable of building large quantities of fully outfitted patrol units to their specifications…and fast. After extensive due diligence the customer ultimately issued a large contract to Dana Safety Supply, a nationwide supplier and upfitter in the public safety market.

The only stumbling block in the process was proximity to the city. Not only did the vehicles need to be built as close as possible to the city for efficiency and convenience, the upfitter needed to have a location nearby to support the after-market products installed in them. Dana Safety Supply’s closest location was 80 miles away and an hour and a half drive, in the best traffic conditions.

Representatives from Dana Safety Supply, including CEO David Russo, met with Police Leadership to discuss the company’s capabilities. During the meeting, Russo committed to placing a location close to the city to both build and support the city’s vehicles. The company also committed to an ambitious production schedule to deliver the needed completed vehicles to the City, with production starting in the location closest to them and transferring to the new location once up and running.

The police upfitting market is notoriously difficult, managing delivery schedules of not only the equipment going into the vehicles, often from a dozen different manufacturers, but the vehicles themselves. Dana Safety Supply immediately went into action and very quickly started production while simultaneously looking for a new location closer to the city.

Within 100 days of the meeting with Dana Safety Supply and Police Leadership, the company ordered and received the equipment needed for the new contract and had delivered approximately 100 new marked units to the city. In addition, the company also located and signed a multi-year lease on a new 15,000 sq ft location within 30 miles of the City. The location is now up and running with eight full-time Technicians and more being added, managed by a seasoned Regional General Manager to ensure quality. Production has now shifted to the new location.

“The speed at which we were able to spin up our new location to support this large agency should once again show our commitment to our industry and core group of customers,” Russo said. “Having been in this industry for over 30 years, I don’t know of many companies capable of moving that fast, all while maintaining a great delivery schedule in the process. It’s a testament not only to our commitment to our great customers but our amazing people, who make all the difference.”

Dana Safety Supply (www.danasafetysupply.com) operates in 35 locations across 13 states and is a recognized industry leader in the public safety marketplace.

Thomas Sabo
Dana Safety Supply
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