Gamber Johnson 7170-0735, 2020+ Ford Police Interceptor Utility Short Console Box with Cup Holder, Optional Add-On Accessories (Armrests, Motion Attachments, Or Phone Holders),
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New short console box with Cup Holder for the 2020+ Ford Police Interceptor® Utility creates extra clearance between console and partition for easy access to gun mount and equipment.
Horizontal mounting space is shortened to increase accessibility to gun mounts and equipment
Lowered top plate maintains accessibility to optional rear HVAC controls (Ford 17A ordering option)
Easy installation with no OEM parts to be removed
Console sits low between the front seats to create a more comfortable workspace and ease of egress
Relocation faceplate for OEM 12V, USB, AUX 12V, and switch knockout included
Mounting Space
10" angle section (8” with OEM relocation faceplate)