Havis C-MD-312 - Heavy-Duty Computer Monitor / Keyboard Mount and Motion Device

Havis C-MD-312 Heavy-Duty Computer Monitor

Keyboard Mount and Motion Device

Heavy-Duty Computer Monitor

Keyboard Mount and Motion Device

Heavy-duty computer monitor

keyboard mount and motion device

Pre-assembled package includes: C-MD-119 (C-MD-114 with C-MD-204 tilt swivel), C-ADP-110 (adapter) and C-UMM-101 (universal monitor mount)

Slide out extension for keyboard of up to 3.3" (8.4 cm) if both monitor and keyboard extension is preferred see C-MD-313

C-MD-204 includes VESA 75 and AMPS hole patterns

C-KBM-1XX or C-KBM-2XX keyboard adapter's must be ordered separately if necessary

Out of 5.0
Overall Rating