EMI's E.T.R.™ Active Shooter pacs are designed to provide the First Responder with basic but essential equipment to stop life-threatening bleeding. The kit includes the quick, simple, and effective S.T.A.T. tourniquet, which features a built-in timer, one-hand application, precision tightening, and finger release lever. It is also pediatrically applicable. There are 3 styles to choose from: Basic, Standard, and Deluxe. Packed in a compacted heavy-duty reclosable bag, the pacs are ideal for cargo pockets, backpacks, etc.
Measures: 7" x 8"
Weighs: 11 oz.
Size: 8" L x 4" W x 6" H
Weight: 1 lbs


1 - S.T.A.T. Tourniquet (Black or Orange)
1 - NuStat 4" x 4" Hemostatic Dressing
2 - Chest Seals (Vented)
1 - Blood Stopper Bandage
2 - 4" X 4" Gauze Compresses
1 - 3" Sterile Conforming Bandage
1 – 5 ¼ " Deluxe EMT Shears
1 - Survival Rescue Blanket
4 - Nitrile Gloves (LG)

#9168 - E.T.R.™ Deluxe Active Shooter/Bleed Aid™ Pac with S.T.A.T. Tourniquet (Black)     (2) Chest Seals
#9169 - E.T.R.™ Deluxe Active Shooter/Bleed Aid™ Pac with S.T.A.T. Tourniquet (Orange)  (2) Chest Seals

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