SoundOff Ford Police Interceptor Utility nForce Rear Facing Interior LED Lightbar ENFWBRF
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SoundOff Ford PIU (Explorer) nForce Rear Deck Facing Interior LED Lightbar, includes Traffic Advisor functionality, includes shroud to reduce flash-back
The nFORCE Interior LED Lightbar is powered by Nexus Technology to deliver intense forward and off-axis illumination
Lower profile than competing lightbars for less windshield and personal obstruction
Inboard LED module options: any combination of single color 6 or 9 LED, dual color 12 LED or tri-color 18 LED counts
“All white” forward facing modules option for intense scene lighting
Manual dimming capability for nighttime use
Cruise mode
Several specific models for all leading sedans, SUV’s and trucks
Universal model with adjustable mounting brackets accommodate most windshield angles for even greater compatibility with different vehicle models
Windows PC App software for ease of programming
Takedown modules can be designated anywhere on the lightbar
Discrete arrow control (rear deck only)
Windows PC App software for ease of programming
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